Currently, our main goals are to educate Washington State legislators to the Shared Parenting Crisis that exists in Washington State and to get the Family Equality Act (or something similar) introduced and passed.
In our January and February 2023 trips to Olympia, legislators were provided copies of Drs. Farrell and Gray’s book The Boy Crisis along with a packet of materials including the Family Equality Act sample bill, polling data, parental alienation handout, and a customized letter asking for their assistance.
Our first visit to Olympia was Thursday January 26th in which we dropped off packets to Gov. Jay Inslee and over 100 legislators. We returned to Olympia on Friday February 10th to deliver packets and books to the almost 50 additional legislators that we missed on our first trip.
We hope that these materials have provided legislators valuable information that they act upon in the next legislative session.